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It Doesn’t Take Sherlock Holmes To Plan Your Marketing Strategy

If Sherlock Holmes has taught us anything, it’s that the most obvious answers are usually right in front of us. And still, when it comes to online marketing, we find ourselves bogged down. We’re buried in data, overwhelmed with huge processes like “demand generation,” and are struggling to implement our conversion funnels in Google Analytics.
Everyone says marketing is easy, but here you are trying to market in an endless amount of marketing channels, becoming data-driven, real-time, and overall proactive before the next new thing hits. It can make you want to throw your hands in the air and quit. Read more …

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A Year of TrackMaven Marketing

On December 3rd, 2012, I was thrown into the deep end. It was my first day as TrackMaven’s Marketing Maven, employee number three and the first business hire. But, me saying that I was thrown into the deep end has zero negativity or malice behind it. Yet, boy did water get in some uncomfortable places because Read more …

Tailgating: Hands with Football Items

3 Ways Marketing Influences Customer Champions

With the rise of the Internet, came the exponential rise in the amount of information we have access to. This has been a tremendous boom for humanity and has completely flipped countless traditional ideas, paradigms, and thought processes. In particular, this age of information freedom has circumvented traditional buying methodology by taking it out of Read more …


The Path to Figuring Out the ROI of Your Marketing Event

Launching a new feature, a party for your customers, a summit, conference, or class all fall under marketing in some way or another and marketing helps to create some of the results of the events as well. And often times, calculating the ROI of an event is one of the hardest things to do. What Read more …


WEBINAR: Shifting your Focus from Followers to Retweets

Would it be worth it then to have 10,000 followers? No. That’s why your focus on metrics should be on mentions, favorites, and most importantly Retweets. Our Retweet Report indicated that there is a slight correlation in the number of followers to the number of Retweets a user gets…until of course you look at two significant Read more …


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