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Posts tagged “LinkedIn”


What Does Content Marketing Success Look Like?

If you’re like most marketers, you report on the successes (or failures) of your marketing content based on first-party data alone. But without competitive benchmarks, how do you know what success looks like in your industry? The short answer is: you don’t. Take this example from the TrackMaven platform comparing retailers Nordstrom and Target on Twitter: Target has Read more …

linkedin marketing

An Insider’s Guide To Marketing On LinkedIn: Q&A With Jason Miller

We’ve written several posts about LinkedIn marketing tips, ranging from how to build your LinkedIn influence to refreshers on LinkedIn analytics and advertising. But what better way to get the inside scoop on how to maximize one’s marketing efforts on LinkedIn than by speaking with one of LinkedIn’s own marketers? We connected with Jason Miller, Senior Manager Read more …

IPO on social media

How To Debut An IPO On Social Media

An initial public offering (IPO) is an incredibly exciting moment in a company’s development. But how should a digital marketer message an IPO on social media? On April 4th, online food delivery company GrubHub and energy software company Opower both debuted on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). We took a look at how each company announced, celebrated, and Read more …

build your linkedin influence

How To Build Your LinkedIn Influence

The LinkedIn Influencer program is invite-only, a honor reserved only for the top professional voices in each industry to share their wisdom across the network. Since its debut in October 2012, it has featured such titans of business as Bill Gates, Jack Welch, and Arianna Huffington among its ranks. The program includes a rotating roster of approximately 500 thought Read more …

LinkedIn company updates

Creating Effective LinkedIn Company Updates

With upwards of 180 million unique visitors per month and users that account for 1 out of every 3 professionals on the planet, LinkedIn has elevated the game of digital networking. For marketers, that means the network is ripe to engage this treasure trove of business-minded members with professionally relevant content. On LinkedIn, the simplest way Read more …


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