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Posts tagged “digital marketing”


The Content Marketing Behind Fifty Shades Of Grey’s Box Office Success

Whether you love it, hate it, or love to hate it, there’s no doubt that Fifty Shades of Grey is a viral content sensation. Since Random House acquired the rights to the series in 2012, Fifty Shades of Grey has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide. To put that into literary sensation perspective, Stieg Larson’s bestseller The Girl With The Read more …


Who’s In Your Content Marketing Blind Spot?

The ROI of content has remained the elusive white whale for marketers. Content strategies are planned months in advance, but the impact of that content is measured with a “rear-view mirror” approach to ROI. The problem is, with a backwards-looking approach to ROI, marketers have no insight into what’s working and what isn’t. (More on that here.) This lag between Read more …


How To Use TrackMaven Keyword Search For Content Ideation

This week TrackMaven is celebrating the launch of our Activity Feed 2.0! The second-generation feed is filled with new features to help digital marketers spot the topics and tactics driving marketing performance across their competitive landscape. One of our favorite new features is Keyword Search, which allows marketers to seamlessly filter through competitor content marketing by specific topics, keywords, Read more …


What Does Content Marketing Success Look Like?

If you’re like most marketers, you report on the successes (or failures) of your marketing content based on first-party data alone. But without competitive benchmarks, how do you know what success looks like in your industry? The short answer is: you don’t. Take this example from the TrackMaven platform comparing retailers Nordstrom and Target on Twitter: Target has Read more …


The One Chart That Proves Just How Hard Content Marketing Has Become

Anytime a new business or cultural trend takes hold as quickly as content marketing has, it’s good to pull your head up and see if you can learn anything from history. One comparison that is actually surprisingly relevant for content marketing is television programming. Over the past 20 years, the number of television channels available to the average American Read more …


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