Competitive Intelligence Blog Real-Time Marketing Intelligence to help every marketer stay ahead of the pack

Posted on February 2014


It Doesn’t Take Sherlock Holmes To Plan Your Marketing Strategy

If Sherlock Holmes has taught us anything, it’s that the most obvious answers are usually right in front of us. And still, when it comes to online marketing, we find ourselves bogged down. We’re buried in data, overwhelmed with huge processes like “demand generation,” and are struggling to implement our conversion funnels in Google Analytics.
Everyone says marketing is easy, but here you are trying to market in an endless amount of marketing channels, becoming data-driven, real-time, and overall proactive before the next new thing hits. It can make you want to throw your hands in the air and quit. Read more …


The 12 Best Marketing Tips Delivered by Corgis

Way back in October 2013, the TrackMaven CX team decided to give our customers the .gif. . .err, gift, that would keep on giving. Specifically, we wanted to give something that help them with their work or, at minimum, brighten their days.
Our choice? An artesian well of marketing trivia. All wrapped around an adorable corgi-related .gif in the form of weekly installments visible when they logged into their accounts on Fridays. Read more …


Don’t Let The Social Marketing Race Outrun You

The competition for your audience’s attention is fierce. Americans spend an average of 37 minutes a day on social media, which is significantly higher than any other Internet activity — even email. Brands are picking up on this fact —and taking advantage of it. It’s an understatement to say that consumers are bombarded with marketing messages. Read more …


A Big Day…TrackMaven Closes its Series A

We’re ecstatic to announce that we’ve closed our Series A, led by New Enterprise Associates (NEA). When we started TrackMaven at the end of 2012, we committed to making marketing data actionable. Since then we launched our platform, gained some of the world’s biggest brands as customers, added innovative new features, but most importantly we Read more …


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