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Sabel Harris leads the marketing at TrackMaven. When she's not marketing, she's probably listening to some pop music or drinking too much coffee. (Funny thing, she does this while marketing too). Tweet or email her, unless, she's eating, she'll respond in record timing. View her bio

Sabel's posts

13 Tools That Team TrackMaven Loves

As I’m finishing up a huge list of marketing tools that I’ll release to you all next week revamping our current big list of content marketing tools, I couldn’t help but to think about the favorite tools that the team uses here at TrackMaven. Even though, we’re obviously working towards one purpose in making TrackMaven Read more …

October Happenings in the TrackMaven Office

Oh what? It’s already November…and almost the middle of November at that. Now, that we’ve said goodbye to October until next year, here’s what’s been going on in the TrackMaven office. We’ve eaten some pretty awesome food like these noodle bowls that my Aunt sent me for my Birthday… Read more …

3 Things You May Have Missed In Facebook Insights

Remember when Facebook Insights looked like this? It told me some things, but not everything I wanted to know. Facebook made a major overhaul to their page insights a few months ago and it’s pretty killer…of course if you can figure out how to navigate your way through it. There’s a ton of data to Read more …

30 Articles Marketers Must Read Before the End of 2013

Creating content only one head of the two-headed beast that has to be tamed with content marketing. The other guy is curating content that your customers, prospects, readers, subscribers want to read has to be wrangled in some fashion as well. As the end of 2013 approaches, we’re all preparing for the start of 2014. Read more …

Twitter Expanded Image Updates: Template

With the news surrounding the upcoming IPO, Twitter is going through a number of changes. After adding in conversations threads to the timeline, Twitter introduced a few days ago a more visual timeline by implementing already expanded preview of images. Aside from the my initial apprehension of having an even more cluttered timeline (I still Read more …


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