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Sabel Harris leads the marketing at TrackMaven. When she's not marketing, she's probably listening to some pop music or drinking too much coffee. (Funny thing, she does this while marketing too). Tweet or email her, unless, she's eating, she'll respond in record timing. View her bio

Sabel's posts

How to Write a Fresh Title: 3 Clickable Ways

Getting someone’s attention could be pretty easy with neon colors, a bullhorn, and maybe even some glitter. Except, I can’t put that in a title can I? It’s a huge challenge to get a potential reader’s attention with the right combination of key words, topic, visuals and then your actual written content. But you haven’t Read more …

The Cute Animal Effect

“Okay, so this week let’s try to post things without corgis.” “Okay…” Allen told me to do this several weeks ago during one of our marketing meetings. My response was more bland than usual because I had grown use to posting all about corgis. And when I say “use to” I mean quite fond to Read more …

Marketing Tactics: Scarcity

With every new toy or book, I could always count on my mom to wake up early to brace the long lines in order to ensure that I got my hands on whatever trendy toy I wished for. Two tickle-me-elmos, a furby, all of the new Harry Potter books, and various Tamagotchis later, I always Read more …

3 Inherent Values of Brand Storytelling

Once upon a time there was a princess named Sabel. She lived in a glorious castle in the District of Columbia (Of course shorter than any of the historical monuments) where she could exude her marketing skills and munch on cupcakes with her Corgi, Maven, anytime she wanted. On a day much like today while Read more …


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