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Posted on April 2013

Corgi Friday

Another great week at TrackMaven only brings out another great Corgi Friday. A corgi isn’t just some average dog, no we aren’t biased….ok maybe we are but here are some corgi stats and facts to validate why corgis rule. First, there are two breeds of corgi — Cardigan Welsh Corgis and our favorite the Pembroke Read more …

Hey Stop Degrading My Photos, Facebook!: How to Upload Images to Facebook

The Facebook Phone, Sheryl Sandberg, the new Facebook Newsfeed, the Facebook Graph Search, Zuckerberg’s….holy moly Facebook, do you ever slow down? Except I know one thing that is really dragging…image upload. Facebook is moving to an even more visual front with the incorporation of their new News Feed with bigger images and videos; however, Read more …

3 Current Books That Marketers Should Read in 2013

A frequent question that I’ve been asking various marketers and people around me is what books would you recommend for me to read?” As much as I write, I try and read as well. From new techniques, fortifying foundations, gaining new perspectives to just avoiding my brain being sucked away with mindless TV (Someone punch Read more …

Marketing Tactics: Transparency

Currently, I’m finishing up Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. Obviously, there’s some controversy about it, people are a little tired of “leaning in,” and then there are the avid supporters. I won’t categorize myself; however, there was one point that I read over last night that I agreed with. The point that Sandberg was making Read more …

Competitive Analysis: Free Facebook Competitive Intelligence Spreadsheet

Last summer, I was completely enraptured with the Olympics. I’m not sure why because my athletic ability does not measure close to any of the olympians closely resembling a clumsy toddler learning how to walk instead. And I wouldn’t consider myself a sports fan, unless you count eating as a sport. Yet, I was glued Read more …


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