Corgi Friday

Another great week at TrackMaven only brings out another great Corgi Friday.

A corgi isn’t just some average dog, no we aren’t biased….ok maybe we are but here are some corgi stats and facts to validate why corgis rule.

First, there are two breeds of corgi — Cardigan Welsh Corgis and our favorite the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Maven is in fact a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

As much as we would like to dive into more about Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are our main focus for this Corgi Friday.

So here are some quick stats about these cute little guys…and girls:

- Corgis are herding dogs and were originally bred to herd cattle, sheep, and horses. (Their legs may be short, but that doesn’t attest to their strength!)

- Pembroke Welsh Corgis come in 5 distinct colors

-Red (Maven is a red!)

-Sable with white markings (Oh, that’s interesting ;) )

-Fawn with white markings

-Red-headed tricolor

-Black-headed tricolor

- Pembroke Welsh Corgis have an average height of 10 inches to 1 foot tall and can weigh up to 30 lbs.

-Pembroke Welsh Corgis have “docked” tails

-Pembroke Welsh Corgis are very vocal dogs and have a strong tendency to bark at many things…such as your competitors (Ruff!)

-There’s a folklore about Pembroke Welsh Corgis spring from the lairs of fairies and elves!

-They are known for always being happy, loving, and very intelligent.

Did we convince you that Pembroke Welsh Corgis are the best dogs EVER? No, brace yourself then for the best corgi pictures we’ve seen all week.


Surrender? Ok, we’ll stop playing games with your heart….until next week!

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Sabel Harris See more of Sabel's posts

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