Competitive Intelligence Blog Real-Time Marketing Intelligence to help every marketer stay ahead of the pack



Introducing The New

My fingers are sore, my vision is not at its optimal level, and my to-do list may be longer than a novel; yet, I’m completely thrilled to introduce the new We’ve been working away on this for a few months now and we’re so excited that it has launched today. We completely overhauled the Read more …

TrackMaven and the Primacy of Great Products

I recently met with a guy named Marcus Glover, the charismatic creative lead at an ad agency called Glu. We were discussing a new app to be built on Kinvey – a mobile infrastructure start-up where I run marketing. At some point in the meeting, the team began to lose focus. Glover raced to the Read more …


The Fortune 500 Instagram Report: How to Crack the Instagram Engagement Code

No joke, I’m quite partial to puppy and brunch pictures on Instagram. Then pairing with lo-fi — you instantly have my double tap. On September 8th, Instagram announced that is has over 150 million users, 16 billion photos share, 1.2 Billion likes daily and on average 55M photos per day. That’s a lot of puppies Read more …

The Competitive Summit: Quick Tweet Recap

Yesterday, TrackMaven had a chance to bring together top executives and technologists with Senior Marketers for our first annual Competitive Summit in New York at Aol Headquarters. It was a whirlwind of a day filled with a ton of takeaways and knowledge It was a packed house and we’re sorry if you couldn’t make it, Read more …

Joe Payne Joins TrackMaven's Board of Directors

Today we have exciting news. At TrackMaven, we’re big believers in the power of people, specifically the power that marketers can have to shape companies and drive revenues. We met a kindred spirit in Joe Payne, the former CEO of Eloqua. At Eloqua, Joe built a company that was based on building an open, collaborative Read more …


Give us a few and Maven can start digging!