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Posted on May 2014

J.Crew's data-driven marketing

J.Crew’s Data-Driven Approach To Fashion (And Marketing)

In an industry dedicated to the exultation of the ineffable — beauty, style, and all that’s en vogue — talking about data can feel a bit like pulling the curtain back on the Wizard of Oz. But the fact remains that the fashion business is just that — a business. Every trend and every seasonal success Read more …

Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm

7 Tips For Decoding Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm

Several months ago a friend of mine had a wonderful discovery. He realized that he could go back and find embarrassing photos that were posted on Facebook years ago, and by simply commenting on them the pictures would resurface to the top of the News Feed for his Facebook friends. This new feature, which inspired Read more …

why do quizzes work

Why Do Quizzes Work? The Science Behind Their Virality

Unless you’ve recused yourself from social networks recently, you probably couldn’t help but notice that people love quizzes. As of late, Facebook’s news feed has been lit on fire with quizzes as more and more connections share and compare their results, creating the kind of rampant engagement that marketers dream about. Summer Anne Burton, BuzzFeed’s Managing Editor, has Read more …

IPO on social media

How To Debut An IPO On Social Media

An initial public offering (IPO) is an incredibly exciting moment in a company’s development. But how should a digital marketer message an IPO on social media? On April 4th, online food delivery company GrubHub and energy software company Opower both debuted on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). We took a look at how each company announced, celebrated, and Read more …

marketing for meaningful engagement

Buzz vs. Trust: Marketing For Meaningful Engagement

In Delivering Happiness: A Path To Profits, Passion, And Purpose, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh reflects on Zappos’ customer service-centric business model, noting that “[a] common trap that many marketers fall into is focusing too much on trying to figure out how to generate a lot of buzz, when really they should be focused on building engagement and Read more …


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