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Posted on April 2014


4 Ways To Visualize Success With TrackMaven Graphing

Seeing is believing – now more so than ever. From 1990-2013, the use of visuals in literature increased 400%, while the use of visuals on the Internet rose over 9900% from 2007-2013 alone. This proliferation of visuals fits right into our physiological sweet spot; almost 50% of our brain is involved in visual processing, and 70% of all of our sensory receptors Read more …


5 Ways To Connect With Your Buyer For Mutual Success

The end of the quarter is approaching. All the deals you’ve been chasing, all the months of meetings and follow-up have all led to this moment — getting a thumbs up or down from your buyer. As a sales professional, I know all too well the relationship-building it takes to really connect with your buyer Read more …


Targeted Keywords For Search Optimization

If you have a business, you probably want people to find you, and you want the Internet to help. The good news is targeted keywords can do just that. Think about how we find almost everything these days. Unless you’re a Luddite, it generally starts with a search bar and a quick brainstorm about what it Read more …


Marketing Madness: The Final Four Teams By The Numbers

If you’re like most people, the very mention of March Madness conjures a montage of athletic greatness and pandemonium-inducing buzzer beaters. But at its core, March Madness is all about branding. When else can brands engage with an audience that is hyper-motivated on social media, willingly donning branded merchandise, and engaging with content 24/7 with impunity, Read more …

what your audience cares about

How To Measure What Your Audience Cares About

If you don’t know who your audience is, how can you make them happy? Odds are you can’t, and you’ll waste time and money marketing without intention. So start by thinking about the questions you ask when someone is visiting from out of town. One of the first questions you generally ask when a guest Read more …


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