Happy Corgi Friday: Two New Corgis To Follow
Ok, it’s wonderfully clear how much we love corgis at TrackMaven…even at events we attend we profess our obsession with corgis. I mean really how could you say no to these pups. Think about Maven’s combination of tracking everything on your competitors and being a cute, derpy corgi at THE SAME TIME. Irresistable.
Maybe, I didn’t exactly convince you over, but these two corgis that we’ve started following will.
First, meet Jackson Gatsby Stubbington…
He’s about 4-5 month old corgi puppy that has enraptured the entire office. You won’t be able to contain yourself with these next pictures.
Ok hopefully you haven’t completely lost it because now meet Stumphrey, Corgnelius’s new puppy brother.
We’ve always been fans of Corgnelius, especially since he’s basically the Ryan Gosling of corgis, but Stumphrey is quickly taking the spotlight.
Happy Corgi Friday. #dropsmic