Twitter List: 27 Marketers You Should Be Following On Twitter

140 characters, “@,” replies, retweets and the blue bird all speak to me — Twitter is my “Favorite.”

With over 175 million tweets sent out per day, 32% of all internet users using Twitter and 34% of marketers generating leads on Twitter, its apparent

that Twitter has a positively large impact on marketing. Twitter creates an easy way to share, curate and have a conversation with marketing folks.

Obviously its is a large social network and you can easily be weighed down with lots of noise; however, there are some clear marketing champions who should be on your following list.

Here are 27 Marketers You Should Be Following On Twitter, so drive some conversation with them. They tweet some great stuff! (In no particular order):

1. Christine Moorman (@chrismoorman)

2. Ann Handley (@MarketingProfs)

3. Cyrus Shephard (@CyrusShepard)

4. Jonathon Colman (@jcolman)

5. Rand Fishkin (@randfish)

6. John Doherty (@dohertyjf)

7. Ian Lurie (@portentint)

8. Jamie Steven (@jamies)

9. Dr. Peter J. Meyers (@dr_pete)

10. Mike Volpe (@mvolpe)

11. Rebecca Corliss (@repcor)

12. Joanna Lord (@JoannaLord)

13. AJ Kohn (@ajkohn)

14. Lisa Barone (@LisaBarone)

15. Leo Widrich (@LeoWid)

16. Gianluca Fiorelli (@gfiorelli1)

17. Ross Hudgens (@RossHudgens)

18. Laura Fitton (@Pistachio)

19. Heidi Cohen (@heidicohen)

20. Aleyda Solis (@aleyda)

21. Max Minzer (@MaxMinzer)

22. David M. Cohen (@explorionary)

23. Pamela Vaughan (@pamelump)

24. Dharmesh Shah (@dharmesh)

25. Richard Baxter (@richardbaxter)

26. Brian Clark (@copyblogger)

27. Lee Odden (@leeodden)

I’m sure this list will be a growing one, but let me know if I missed anyone. Also, here’s a Twitter list that you can subscribe to in order to follow all of these great marketers at once!

Twitter doesn’t work without those conversational 140 charaters and tweeting at these marketers is a great way to get the essential engagement. Bark at Maven (@TrackMavenApp) or tweet at me directly (@sabelharris) if you have some marketers that I need to add to this list!


Sabel Harris See more of Sabel's posts

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