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Keywords are words that are used by a search engine to find web pages. A search engine reads the text entered by the user, and using those entered words, it identifies relevant web pages. These are pretty much used in every aspect of marketing. Marketers include them in the content they create to be found by users’ search queries. They also bid on words in their Google AdWords campaigns to use in their online advertisements. Anywhere people look they will see the importance of keywords in marketing.

Why does TrackMaven think that Keywords are important?

Keywords play an imperative role in online advertising. Doing efficient research and including searched terms in content can help a website climb the search result rankings page. Marketers can create effective PPC campaigns by using tools such as Google AdWords to bid on words to use in advertisements. They need to be sure to manage their keywords properly though, because improperly managed campaigns can lead to high PPC costs. Keywords can be broken down into two categories, “head” terms, which are short, one word keywords, and long tail keywords, which are longer, more specific terms. When finding keywords to employ, marketers should focus on the terms and phrases that their target audiences are likely to use while searching.

In a Sentence

Allen used Google AdWords to bid on keywords for his paid advertisements.