Anchor Text Definition - at
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Anchor Text

Anchor Text is the text that is embedded in a hyperlink. This text is usually denoted by blue highlighting. When anchor text is clicked on, it will redirect a web user to the desired web page.

Why does TrackMaven think that Anchor Text is important?

This is one factor that search engines take into account while compiling search engine results for users. Unfortunately for marketers, anchor text is not something that they can control directly. It is an off-page SEO factor that other websites use to refer to your content. If someone writes a piece of content and other people want to reference it on their web page, blog, etc, they will usually create an inbound link to the piece of content. To make that hyperlink, they will anchor text that is relevant to the author’s piece of content. Therefore, the sets of keywords that a company’s site becomes know for around the web are partially determined by these third party websites and their anchor text. Search engines read this anchor text and use it to determine which queries the link’s target website is relevant for. Thus, anchor text also plays a big role in link-building activities.

In a Sentence

Other websites make inbound links for TrackMaven using anchor text.