Landing Page
A Landing Page is a web page that a link in an online advertisement directs you to. Marketers can embed links to a landing page in an email, a social media platform, and advertisements involved in search engine marketing campaigns. To facilitate user engagement and increase the chance of a conversion, ensure that the information on the landing page is relevant to the information in the advertisement.
Why does TrackMaven think that Landing Page is important?
In addition to increasing conversion, optimizing landing pages by making them relevant to ads will give you an advantage when bidding for online ad positions. Search engines take ad text relevance into account when pricing online advertisements, so the benefits of landing pages are numerous if they are carefully made. Landing pages should not be confused with a company’s regular web page. They should be pages that are specifically tailored to the visitor based on the advertisement he/she clicked on, and they should contain a call to action, such as buying a product or collecting information from the visitor. It is important to ensure that the call to action is clear because a visit to a landing page could be the only opportunity a company has to gather information on a person.
In a Sentence
JP optimized TrackMaven's landing pages to increase conversions.