Kanye West stands at or near the top of virtually any “most influential” list out there. But how can we quantify his influence? Using TrackMaven’s analytics platform, we can compare Kanye West’s Twitter presence to other hip-hop luminaries, entertainment icons, and even world leaders to better understand Kanye’s place in the pantheon of influencers on the internet.
Kanye has received almost 10 times as many interactions, defined as retweets and likes, as the closest hip-hop artist, Chance the Rapper.
While Kanye’s Twitter presence towers over that of his hop-hop brethren, how does he stack up against President Obama and the 2016 election hopefuls?
Even compared to the most influential people in the world, no one comes close to Mr. West. Still, Kanye has more interactions than Donald Trump and either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders combined!
Kanye’s ego is well documented. In Time’s 100 Most Influential People of 2015, of which Kanye was number one, Elon Musk wrote of him: “Kanye West would be the first person to tell you he belongs on this list.” This is the man with an album entitled “Yeezus” and songs ‘‘I am a God” and “I Love Kanye.” Perhaps it’s no surprise that his three most engaging tweets this year are quite self-serving:
Kanye often drops opinions through seemingly tweeting his stream of consciousness, or tweetstorms. Using the TrackMaven platform we can can chart when they happened by measuring the number of tweets Kanye posts per day:
The erratic nature of this graph reflects Kanye’s own off-kilter personality. And as the above graph shows, Kanye hasn’t delivered one of his hallmark tweetstorms since March 30 — perhaps he’s due for one soon!
Despite Kanye’s (well-deserved) reputation for egoism, his tweet with the most engagement by far is the simple, inspirational message below:
Twitter users follow Kanye because they’re fans of his music, his style, and his conviction. But maybe his inspirational messaging is what his 22.8 million followers have been looking for all along.
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