Content Marketing World By The Numbers: The Top 10 Tweeters From #CMWorld 2014 – TrackMaven

Content Marketing World By The Numbers: The Top 10 Tweeters From #CMWorld 2014

Content Marketing World 2014

The talk of the town at Content Marketing World this year was Kevin Spacey’s profanity laced, Frank Underwood-inspired keynote address. Our favorite quote:

“We’re all striving for the same thing: engagement with our audience.”

And among the long list of Featured Speakers at the conference, there were many marketers taking to Twitter to do just that — engaging with fellow marketers in attendance with tweeted takeaways from panels and sessions.

So we decided to do a little meta-marketing analysis.

Below, we used our platform to analyze the Twitter activity from Content Marketing World’s featured speakers. These Top 10 lists show who made the most of the social media mania that the conference generated.

(Notice Kevin Spacey didn’t make any of the lists!)

#CMWorld 2014: Top 10 By Number of Tweets

CMWorld Speakers Who Tweeted The Most Throughout The Conference

Rank CMWorld Speaker Number of Tweets
1 Mike Brown 146
2 Erika Heald 139
3 Valeria Maltoni 128
4 Scott Abel 80
5 Dan Hutson 75
6 Chris Ducker 60
7 Carlos Hidalgo 57
8 Arnie Kuenn 53
9 Chad Zimmerman 53
10 Jim Kukral 53


#CMWorld 2014: Top 10 By Total Retweets

CMWorld Speakers With The Most Total Retweets Throughout The Conference

Rank CMWorld Speaker Total Retweets
1 Jay Baer 462
2 Chad Zimmerman 242
3 Michael Brenner 236
4 Lee Odden 188
5 Brian Clark 108
6 Erika Heald 91
7 Mike Brown 84
8 Mark Schaefer 80
9 Travis Wright 73
10 Valeria Maltoni 72


#CMWorld 2014: Top 10 By Average Retweets/Tweet

CMWorld Speakers With The Highest Average Number Of Retweets Per Tweet Throughout The Conference

Rank CMWorld Speaker Average Retweets/Tweet
1 Jay Baer 11.55
2 Joe Pulizzi 10.67
3 Scott Stratten 8
4 Lee Odden 7.23
5 Michael Brenner 6.05
6 Scott Monty 5.70
7 Brian Clark 5.40
8 Chad Zimmerman 4.57
9 Ardath Albee 4.25
10 Kristina Halvorson 3.94


#CMWorld 2014: Top 10 By Average Retweets/Tweet Per 1,000 Followers

CMWorld Speakers With The Highest Average Number Of Retweets Per Tweet Throughout The Conference, Normalized Per 1,000 Followers

Rank CMWorld Speaker Average Retweets/Tweet Normalized
1 Andrew Milk 22.22
2 Amrita Thapar 7.46
3 Adryanna Sutherland 4.78
4 Jillian Hillard 2.37
5 Heather Meza 1.06
6 Gary Van Prooyen 0.97
7 Carol Meyers 0.82
8 Brice Bay 0.70
9 Chris Cullmann 0.67
10 Adrian Vender 0.64


#CMWorld 2014: Top 10 By Growth In Followers

CMWorld Speakers With The Highest Growth In Twitter Followers Throughout The Conference

Rank CMWorld Speaker Growth In Twitter Followers
1 Mark E. Avsec +53%
2 Daniel Stradtman +30%
3 Julie Fleischer +29%
4 Leigh Blaylock +25%
5 Kevin Thomas +21%
6 Andrew Milk +18%
7 Jon Tauber +18%
8 Gary Van Prooyen +16%
9 Amrita Thapar +16%
10 Joan Sherlock +11%


With under 50 followers each going into Content Marketing World, Mark E. Avsec and Daniel Stradtman were able to jumpstart their Twitter followers via their speaking roles.

Julie Fleischer, however, saw a significant 29% boost in Twitter followers at CMWorld, jumping from below 800 to over 1K followers, in large part due to her opening keynote.


What were your takeaways from #CMWorld? Tweet us at @TrackMaven