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Posts tagged “proactive marketer”

marketing for meaningful engagement

Buzz vs. Trust: Marketing For Meaningful Engagement

In Delivering Happiness: A Path To Profits, Passion, And Purpose, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh reflects on Zappos’ customer service-centric business model, noting that “[a] common trap that many marketers fall into is focusing too much on trying to figure out how to generate a lot of buzz, when really they should be focused on building engagement and Read more …

LinkedIn analytics

An Introduction To LinkedIn Analytics

Over the years, LinkedIn has developed into a digital mecca for the professionally minded. As it has grown from online Rolodex and résumé database to a fully-developed business social network, opportunities for brand messaging and advertising have grown in equal measure. And with marketing opportunities come analytics. Here, we’ll delve into LinkedIn’s analytical tools and how to use Read more …


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