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Posts tagged “Competitive Positioning”

3 Tricks To Competitively Position Your Brand on Twitter

Coming in with over 400 million users and so many tweets sent out through the day, it’s almost become a standard across all industries to be on Twitter. Whether you are a B2B, B2C, SMB or large enterprise, many of your customers and potential opportunities reside on Twitter. And if your customers and potential opportunities Read more …

The Secrets of Competitive Twitter Ad Targeting

“You’ll run through your Twitter Ad money really quickly.” The almost ominous words that were spoken to me by Trevor from SocialTables over coffee a couple of months ago about Twitter Ads. And boy, was he right. During my first campaigns with Twitter Ads, I saw a ton of engagements and then I also ran Read more …

Competitive Analysis Report: PPT Template

About a week ago, I read a detailed post on the Moz Blog from John Doherty about the research he performs on his competitors. Although, it was super helpful and competitive intelligence is something I’m pretty familiar with, I could help the feeling of “What’s next?” What do I do with all of this information? Read more …


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