Improving your Facebook content strategy doesn’t have to be rocket science. There’s plenty of low-hanging fruit that can easily improve the effectiveness of your Facebook posts. The trick is to isolate the easy-to-adapt tactics that impact engagement with your brand’s posts.
How to identify low-hanging fruit that can dramatically improve your Facebook content strategy:
Identifying tactics that are easy to fix isn’t as hard as you think. I’ll show you how I analyzed TrackMaven’s Facebook posts and walk you through the different variables you can focus on.
Using the TrackMaven platform, I examined all of our Facebook posts from the past 90 days. Looking at a total of 130 Facebook posts, I sought to discover the impact of our paid content, the best performing types of posts, and how punctuation and text length impacted each post’s’ performance.
How do I evaluate organic versus paid content on Facebook?
Over the past 90 days, TrackMaven’s Facebook page received an average of 32.83 interactions per post. Paid content received an average of 44.85 interactions per post, while organic content received an average of 20.04 interactions per post. Because of the press about declining organic reach on Facebook, this is a metric we’ll be watching closely month over month.
Tactical takeaway for TrackMaven: Don’t discount organic content on Facebook, but pay attention to which posts do well. Then you can make smarter decisions about which posts to put money behind.
Which posts should I put more money behind on Facebook?
The TrackMaven platform just came out with a tool to help you get the most out of every dollar you spend on Facebook. The tool lets you see which posts received the most interactions per dollar spent, and therefore identify the best posts to put more money behind.
For example, this post about natural language processing received a lot of interactions for a little over $20. If we put more money behind the post, it would be likely to get even more engagement.
The same goes for this Facebook post announcing TrackMaven’s acquisition of 10Stories:
Tactical takeaway for TrackMaven: To optimize your marketing spend on Facebook content, pay attention to spend versus engagement (or number of interactions) and identify posts that could garner even more interactions with a monetary boost.
What types of posts are best for my brand’s Facebook page?
By analyzing our Facebook content in the TrackMaven platform, we were able to examine the average number of interactions for link, photo, and video posts on the TrackMaven Facebook page.
Our Facebook posts with photos performed the best, receiving an average of 43.67 interactions per post. Link posts were the second best at engaging our audience, and received an average of 33.88 interactions per post. Videos posted on our page received the least attention, garnering minimal engagement with an average of 6.33 interactions per post.
Tactical takeaway for TrackMaven: Look for more opportunities to post photos on Facebook, and continue to use links in posts. Test and experiment with other kinds of video content to see if a different approach might work better, while keeping a close eye on engagement.
What are the best tactics for writing Facebook posts for my brand?
I looked at two tactical aspects of writing Facebook posts — the use of punctuation and hashtags (including “?”, “!”, and “#”) and how long the text was, measured by the number of words used.
Punctuation and Hashtags
In our analysis, we found that posts with hashtags performed the best out of the three symbols we analyzed (“?”, “!”, and “#”), receiving an average of 44.09 interactions per post. Text that used questions marks performed second best, receiving an average of 41.18 interactions per post. Posts with exclamation marks came in third, receiving an average of 34.47 interactions per post. However, all three symbols performed better than our average post engagement, which was 32.83 interactions per post.
Tactical takeaway for TrackMaven: Use more of these symbols in posts, concentrating on incorporating more valuable hashtags.
In terms of text length, although TrackMaven posts received a range of engagement levels on different posts, I was able to derive an overall trend. In general, the engagement — or number of interactions — a post received increased as the length of the text increased.
Tactical takeaway for TrackMaven: Focus on longer posts that provide real value to the TrackMaven audience.
By following this process of examining your brand’s Facebook data and isolating specific content tactics you can easily adjust, you’ll have efficiently and effectively improved your Facebook content strategy.
What other low-hanging fruit have you turned to your brand’s tactical advantage on Facebook? Tweet us your responses at @TrackMaven!
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