Digital Marketing In The “Digital District”

We Heard From Some Of D.C.'s Top Marketers On Digital Marketing In The Nation's Capital...

Recently dubbed “America’s Coolest City” by Forbes, Washington D.C. has many claims to fame. But we can’t help but get excited by the wealth of digital marketing talent that abounds in our HQ city.

To share some of the spoils of our “Digital District,” we partnered with General Assembly for a panel discussion on the roles and functions in digital marketing today, and the nuances of the D.C. marketing ecosystem in particular.

Our Chief Maven Allen Gannet moderated the discussion, and we gathered some of the top marketers in the District to participate, including:

  • Anastasia Khoo Marketing Director, Human Rights Campaign
  • Caitlin Romig Digital Media Manager, Rosetta Stone
  • John Seeds Marketing Director, Parature

Here are a few highlights from the panelists’ discussion of the digital marketing priorities at their organizations:

Anastasia Khoo — who oversaw the record-breaking “red equal sign” Facebook campaign in support of marriage equality — stressed the need for marketers to be nimble and active across channels:

“As a marketer, you have to have a team that can do ‘rapid response.'”

Khoo also announced that HRC will be experimenting with SnapChat in the near future, with campaigns focused on helping youth feel safe and informed. Khoo noted that SnapChat offers “an opportunity to be creative” and use influencers to connect with the youth market.

John Seeds emphasized the need to consider a consumer’s stage in the sales funnel when creating content:

“A lot of the way we think about distributing stories is in line with our sales cycle, and keeping in mind the kind of research the digital customer is doing so that it become less of a shotgun approach, and more of a niche strategy.”

Caitlin Romig elaborated on Rosetta Stone’s focus on discoverability and relevance:

“For us at this point, it’s about increasing discoverability and helping people understand that we aren’t your grandfather’s Rosetta Stone. We’re focused on teaching consumers that we are relevant and on the go — we have over 33 apps in the app store — and leveraging that story for people who want to learn a new language.”

Digital Marketing in DC Panel: TrackMaven and General AssemblyAllen Gannet, Anastasia Khoo, John Seeds, and Caitlin Romig at 1776 for Digital Marketing in DC

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Kara Burney is the Content Marketing Maven at TrackMaven, the Competitive Intelligence platform for Digital Marketers. Have content marketing questions or topics you'd like covered on the TrackMaven blog? Tweet her your ideas! See more of Kara's posts