Marketers Need To Wake Up: The Stagnant State of Email Report – TrackMaven

Marketers Need To Wake Up: The Stagnant State of Email Report

After the Retweet Report, we came back to the drawing board to figure out another data report that we should tackle. We talked about taking on another social media channel or diving into the behemoth of the Content Marketing world; however, we decided that we needed to brand away from the former and do something to segway into the latter.

Out came studying email and the data that we could dig up about one of the largest sources of ROI for Marketers. I was very excited about uncovering something unique like using 9 exclamation marks in a title or adding a golden number of hashtags showing that marketers are taking risks with one of the oldest marketing channels.

Fletcher passed off the data to me and I remember just staring at it…

Over 96,000 emails from over 2,000 subscription lists…

Then I saw it…the most startling thing…

Marketers are doing the same things with email. Every single marketer practicing the same benchmarks over and over again. Nothing interesting outliers…so stagnant.

Not implying that out report isn’t interesting, but we’re simply pointing out that the state of email is very stagnant as shown through these benchmarks.

Here’s a peek at some of the data in the report…

  • Most frequent day of the week that emails are sent
  • Most frequent time of the day that emails are sent
  • Common characters in an email subject line
  • Number of characters in an email subject line
  • Common word counts in emails
  • Number of images used in an email
  • SpamAssassin Score
  • Spammy terms in subject lines

You can download the report HERE or you can also take a look at this infographic we created. Some of the data is included from the report along with some tips to improve your own email practices. Take a look.

Let us know what you think and, again, you can get your paws on the report here.

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