It’s now December and just like every month we have a hard time grasping just how fast time is flying in the TrackMaven office. And by flying we mean like the speed of a rocketship or a space probe called MAVEN.
What a coincidence…Maven made it to Mars in November too.
The other thing that many in the office consider out of this world — Pumpkin Pie. November marked the start of Pumpkin Pie season and luckily, we were never in short supply. (Allen was very pleased with that).
Tracksgiving? Mavensgiving? TrackMavensgiving? We haven’t settled on an exact name of our office dinner, but we all did agree thatwe are so thankful for each other and the awesome work that we’ve gotten into the last year. We are also thankful for our wonderful customers, fans, followers, friends and corgis too.
No more turkey comas, we’re finishing out Q4 strong and looking forward to kicking off Q1 with a bang :)