I have a simple goal: I want you to use SEO more effectively. If there’s one thing you need to get out of this article, this is it: Google+ needs to be central to your SEO strategy. I guarantee it will be worth your time.
In the world of SEO, we scratch and crawl for precious data because we want to know how to make our pages as easy as possible for people and search engines to find. With billions of pages out there, how do you know what the all-seeing Google really wants from your article in order to push it toward the top on searches? This is where we need to say a collective “thank you” to Moz and Searchmetrics. They’ve done the heavy research for you, and their findings might surprise you.
Sometimes when you want something from someone, you simply need to ask. It turns out that one of the best ways to know what Google wants is to ask Google. More specifically, we need to ask Google+. If you haven’t yet realized the SEO potential that lies within Google+, prepare to have your mind blown.
Just How Important Is Google+ for SEO?
After page authority, the number of Google +1s has the highest correlation with searching rankings for a URL of any factor. That’s right—root domains and even keyword usage are not as important as Google +1s. Are you surprised? I was.
This is a big deal. Part of the reason why it is a big deal is that Google+ is often overlooked when it comes to SEO, although the connection is most obvious. The answer has been right under our noses.
Why Is the Correlation So Strong?
There are numerous reasons why using Google+ is a powerful predictor of SEO success. For one thing, posts on Google+ are indexed faster than you can say, “Search.” Since 2011, Google has used Google+ to discover new content, which has become especially important because Twitter stopped allowing Google to use its data.
Another reason is that Google+ posts pass link equity with followed links. Link equity reflects a combination of characteristics including link placement and accessibility, as well as authority and relevance. Also, when you share a link on Google+, the title of the page becomes the anchortext.
Google+ is also excellent for bringing semantic relevance to your page. This is because each post has its own URL and the first 45-50 characters of your post will appear in the title tag. Additionally, if your post is reshared it can gather internal links from Google+, complete with relevant anchor text. That’s a nice boost, all courtesy of Google.
Go ahead and thank Sergey Brin and Larry Page if you’d like.
How Can You Make the Most Google+?
Now, for the real meat and potatoes. If you want to capitalize on Google+ for your search engine optimization, here’s how to do it:
1. Don’t wait to build relationships on Google+
If you feel like you’re too far behind the game to catch the Google+ wave, you’re wrong. Follow people who are influential both inside and outside your field, comment on posts, share valuable content, and you will become a bona fide Googler.
2. Make your content easy to share
We all like a little nudge every now and then. It’s easy to add social sharing buttons on your posts, and you have a lot to gain, so just do it. Your followers will thank you for it. Even better, they’ll share your posts for it.
3. Fill out your profile completely, and make it interesting
Invest time in making your profile shine. Google will suggest to other users whether they should follow you based on your profile.
Notice how we said to fill out “completely.” We mean it.
4. Link to relevant profiles from your “About” page
Google provides several ways to link to other profiles. Share and contribute content often in order to establish your identity.
5. Post quality content that people want to share
Don’t view your Google presence as a replacement for your blog. You don’t want to let your links die. Instead, continue adding comments and other links in order to engage readers. Even adding a few short lines can make your content much more appealing so people can quickly know whether your post is worth their time.
6. Make it easy for other users to add you in their circles
In order to get a lot of followers, try using Google’s badges or create your own. Not only will badges help make it easier for others to find you, but it takes very little time on your part.
7. Connect your website to your Google+ brand page
If you are a business or some other organization, this is an important step to introducing yourself to your circles.
8. Publish your posts publicly
In order to maximize the number of users who see your post, you want to make sure it is shared publicly. Your post is much more likely to pick up steam if it’s public.
9. Make sure you are listed as a Google author
Just including the simple word “author” can make a huge difference in whether your page gets picked up on Google+ searches. If you write a guest post for another well-known blog, ask them to include an author markup for your bio. That way, your face will appear in Google search results when someone searches for that post. It’s a simple request, but it goes a long way.
If you follow these simple steps, you will get found on Google. And, as we all know, there’s no place in the entire internet that’s more important for your business to be found than Google.
Your Thoughts
How do you use Google+? Let us know in the comments below what has worked for you and what hasn’t.
Joel Hiller is the Content Specialist at Fit Marketing.