
Content MarketingWhy is Content Marketing important?

Your prospects are consuming more content faster than ever before leaving you to produce even more content quicker than the rate they are taking it in. With the flurry of content production, how do you know what’s working and what isn’t? What do you write about next? TrackMaven helps you find the best content to create, leverage your content marketing against your competitors, and improve it now.


How many times a week are your competitors blogging? Are their blog posts receiving a higher number of social shares? TrackMaven shows you the frequency that your competitors are posting vs. your own posting strategies. You’ll be able to see your own custom group average to benchmark how you should handle content marketing. With these content marketing benchmarks, you’ll have more proactive perspective in building a successful content marketing machine.


TrackMaven shows you the exact blog post of a competitor in real time. You can filter the activity feed to view the content marketing in that moment and how effective that blog post is. You’ll be able to see in real time what pieces of content are working and which ones aren’t. TrackMaven makes it easy to find what pieces of content are the most effective and how your competitors’ content is doing.


How do you know if that blog post you wrote was effective? Which pieces of content does your audience care about the most? TrackMaven tells you how impactful your blog posts are all while showing you the areas where you can fill the gaps. With TrackMaven, you’ll be able to provide your audience with the best content to educate and give them value on what they care about the most.

real-time intelligence

TrackMaven does the heavy digging for you to have all of the important data you need. No more hunting through multiple places to find the most effective content marketing — see it all in real time here!

  • 2The Exact Blog Posts
  • 2Weekly Blog Post Frequency
  • 2Average Facebook Likes
  • 2Average Facebook Shares
  • 2Average Tweets
  • 2Average Pinterest Pins
  • 2Average Linkedin Share
  • 2Total Average Social Actions


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