Comparing Keywords and Campaigns in TrackMaven

Learn how to segment content with tags and make custom analyses using TrackMaven data


About this course

If you'd like a custom report or comparisons you can't get inside TrackMaven, you can easily create a custom analysis in Excel from content "tagged" in TrackMaven and the Content Feed Data Export. 

This course provides a  tutorial on segmenting content with tags and creating custom reports with TrackMaven data in Excel. At the end of this course, you'll be a tagging wizard and ready to  compare keywords and campaigns to one another both inside TrackMaven and in Excel. 

  1. How to Segment Content in TrackMaven Using Tags provides an introduction to Segmenting content with tags, which is the first step to comparing campaigns, keywords, and everything else in TrackMaven
  2. How to Create an Event Playbook Using Tags presents a case study about optimizing event marketing with tagged content
  3. How to Compare Campaigns Head-to-Head is about comparing one campaign to another in TrackMaven, and evaluating  tagged content performance quantitatively in Excel
  4. Introduction to Analyzing Exported TrackMaven Data in Excel introduces you to the Content Feed data export functionality
  5. Creating a Head-to-Head Comparison Using Data Export & Excel takes you out of the application to provide instructions for creating a Pivot Table to compare one campaign's impact to another's. This lesson includes instructions for measuring campaign effectiveness, evaluating performance by hashtags, and identifying the most impactful time to publish too


  • Segmenting Basics
  • Lesson 1: How to Segment Content in TrackMaven Using Tags
  • Lesson 2: How to Create an Event Playbook Using Tags
  • Comparing Campaigns, Keywords, and Subjects
  • Lesson 3: How to Compare Campaigns Head-to-Head
  • Lesson 4: Introduction to Analyzing Exported TrackMaven Data in Excel
  • Lesson 5: Creating a Head-to-Head Comparison Using Data Export & Excel
  • What's Next?
  • Conclusion

About this course

If you'd like a custom report or comparisons you can't get inside TrackMaven, you can easily create a custom analysis in Excel from content "tagged" in TrackMaven and the Content Feed Data Export. 

This course provides a  tutorial on segmenting content with tags and creating custom reports with TrackMaven data in Excel. At the end of this course, you'll be a tagging wizard and ready to  compare keywords and campaigns to one another both inside TrackMaven and in Excel. 

  1. How to Segment Content in TrackMaven Using Tags provides an introduction to Segmenting content with tags, which is the first step to comparing campaigns, keywords, and everything else in TrackMaven
  2. How to Create an Event Playbook Using Tags presents a case study about optimizing event marketing with tagged content
  3. How to Compare Campaigns Head-to-Head is about comparing one campaign to another in TrackMaven, and evaluating  tagged content performance quantitatively in Excel
  4. Introduction to Analyzing Exported TrackMaven Data in Excel introduces you to the Content Feed data export functionality
  5. Creating a Head-to-Head Comparison Using Data Export & Excel takes you out of the application to provide instructions for creating a Pivot Table to compare one campaign's impact to another's. This lesson includes instructions for measuring campaign effectiveness, evaluating performance by hashtags, and identifying the most impactful time to publish too


  • Segmenting Basics
  • Lesson 1: How to Segment Content in TrackMaven Using Tags
  • Lesson 2: How to Create an Event Playbook Using Tags
  • Comparing Campaigns, Keywords, and Subjects
  • Lesson 3: How to Compare Campaigns Head-to-Head
  • Lesson 4: Introduction to Analyzing Exported TrackMaven Data in Excel
  • Lesson 5: Creating a Head-to-Head Comparison Using Data Export & Excel
  • What's Next?
  • Conclusion