Social Media Advertising: 27 Intriguing Statistics About Social Ads

Hi my name is Sabel Harris and I am a bonafide Social Media Ad Junkie.

Ok, maybe that’s not entirely too funny, but I am quite addicted to social ads because they work. You may think that no one clicks on Facebook Ads, Promoted Tweets, or Linkedin Ads — think again. Whether they are more “native,” easy to target or have an inherently large audience, Ads on social media networks are very effective if done the right way. I’ve gotten some funny looks when I’ve said that Facebook Ads are a marketer’s crack (which could just be an absurd statement in general); however, I wanted to share some of these fascinating stats on social ads to show how we are way past the past of direct mail, printed ads, and this guy… (Insert picture of guy with wave sign thing)

All Social Media Advertising

1. 30% of B2B Marketers are spending millions of dollars on social media marketing, but nearly 30% of these users are not tracking the impact. (Social Ads help tackle this because you’ll be able to see you CTR, Cost per conversion, etc.)

2. Global social networking advertising revenues are projected to double 2012 figures to 2014 from 7 to 14 billion. (All Twitter)

3. 70% of advertisers are currently devoting at least a small portion of their budget to social networks now. (All Twitter)

4. 64% of advertisers expect to increase their social media-advertising budget in 2013. (MediaBistro)

5. The average breakdown of a social media advertising budget is 57% on Facebook Ads, 13% on YouTube Ads, 13% on Twitter Ads, 2% on Pinterest, and then 15% on other. (MediaBistro)

6. 45% of Social Media Advertisers use ads to raise brand awareness. (MediaBistro)

7. 25% Social Media Advertisers use ads to drive traffic and product sales. (MediaBistro)

8. 79% of marketers saw more quality leads from social media. (Social Media Today)


9. 7.5 million promoted posts have been made from June 2012 to May 2013 (Facebook)

10. 35% lower cost per conversion with Facebook Ads. (Facebook)

11. 70% of advertisers on Facebook had a 3x greater return on ad spend. (Facebook)

12. 94% of publishers on Facebook reached people more efficiently through Facebook targeting. (Facebook)

13. 55% of advertisers do not use sponsored stories. (All Facebook)

14. 55% advertisers always use age targeting and only 17% are targeting by workplace. (Social Fresh)

15. 44% of advertisers are using Facebook Ads for conversions. (Social Fresh)

16. 37% of Facebook ad creatives have a 5-14 day lifetime. (Social Fresh)


17. Youtube is monetizing over 3 billion video views per week globally. (Jeff Bullas)

18. 98 of AdAge’s Top 100 Advertisers have run campaigns on Youtube and the Google Display Network (Jeff Bullas)

19. “Gangnam Style,” the most popular YouTube video saw $870,000 in ad revenue from YouTube. (MDG Advertising)

20. The average top 1,000 channel sees $23,000 in monthly ad revenue. (MDG Advertising)


21. 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter. (Digital Buzz Blog)

22. Twitter users on mobile are 3x more likely to use while shopping. (Twitter)

23. Twitter’s advertising revenue is predicted to hit $540 million by 2014 (SBW Advertising)

24. 45.3% of Twitter users find that Twitter Ads are somewhat effective. (Marketing Charts)


25. 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members drive business decisions. (ClickZ)

26. 18% of advertisers’ budgets are allocated to Linkedin Ads (Marketing Charts)

27. 37% of advertisers invest in Linkedin Ads and it represents the third most popular social ad network. (Marketing Charts)

Can you see why I love social media advertising? How do you feel about social ads? We’d love to hear how you are tackling all of these social media channels. Leave a comment below or tweet us (@TrackMaven)!



Sabel Harris See more of Sabel's posts

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